Personal Injury - File Claim or Case???
Do you have a " Personal Injury" Claim r Case?
A Claim is when you call into the insurance and you inform them of your accident and typically begin the claim to get your vehicle fixed. ... DID YOU KNOW THERE IS AN OPTION FOR YOU LIKE THIS TOO WITH MEDIATION....NOT JUST YOUR VEHICLE?? A Case is when you contact an Attorney and file a law suit so your attorney can handle matters for you. DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS PROCESS WITH OR WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY? DID YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE ALREADY HIRED AN ATTORNEY....WE CAN ASSIST BOTH OF YOU TO GET THE CASES RESOLVED AND SETTLED NOW - VERSES WAITING??? Choice Mediation Solutions can assist you. If you are in the middle of a law suit and would like to wrap things up. --- Contact Choice Mediation Solutions. If you have not yet filed a law on the fence if you want to or not...but you have filed a claim to confirm you were in an accident and what happened to you with the responsible party --- Contact Choice Mediation Solutions. One of our highly qualified Mediators will assist you today. We will work one on one with you and/ or your attorney and get a mediation session set for you. You will get to meet one on one with the opposing side, and/or adjuster " Decision Makers" and Confirm a Legal Binding Agreement, & Settlement Now...Saving you...TIME & MONEY. A Mediator Serves as a neutral third party that will assist all sides to resolve right away instead of waiting months, or years to resolve waiting for your turn in court. Over 95 % of cases settle before court or when you go to court...this process takes from your bottom line. Cases that settle in court can be awarded 25,000 only to receive 5,000 if you lucky once fees, medical is deducted. Similar cases settle in mediation at 10,000 and you bring home 10,000! Choice Mediation Solutions " Where Your Voice Counts" 337-284-3117