Learn to Love your Job again - Mediate!
Are you tired of going to work and dreading it? Do you feel harassed, or unappreciated? Pre Mediation Services is the answer. Hire one of...
Are you Distracted by a Customer or Vendor Claim or Concern?
Are you experiencing? - Customer Complaints due to delays, breakdowns, or unsatisfactory service or product? - Shipping, Vendor, Supplier...
Pre- Mediation for Auto Claims!
Lets' Talk Personal Injury today! Auto Accidents First!! Know your options. Know that you can be taken care of just like your vehicle....
Mediate Don't Litigate
Hi There from Choice Mediation Solutions! I would like to inform you of our Mediation, & Pre- Mediation Services with Choice Mediation...
Stuck in the Middle??
THE LIFE OF A SALES REP What a great opportunity to meet new people all the time, travel and really take in all that is available to you...
Have you been hit by another Car, Truck or SUV?
Have you been hit by another Car, Truck or SUV? If you have already filed a law suit - WE CAN HELP If you have only filed a claim with...
Have you received a Damage shipment?
Have you received a Damage shipment? Do not want or have the means to purchase more while waiting to resolve with a law suit, judgment,...
Fallen at Work - Now What??
Whether it is Slip in Fall at work or another place of Business you are now stuck with the pressure of not being at your best or being...
Are you ready to just say - I will eat the cost?
Tired of dealing with collections on your own? Pre-mediation works for this! Choice Mediation Solutions stands in as your neutral...
Before your Cross the Line - Mediate
Property Disputes Can vary from boundary lines, someone getting hurt on your property, or your property causing concerns for others...