Restaurant Disputes
Have you suffered from food poisoning or side affects from something you ate at a restaurant??
Resolve with Mediation for a fast and effective resolution with a legal binding contract that is confidential. Mediation is a private conflict resolution option that any restaurant or business would be willing to commit to. Mediation will give all parties the option to be heard and resolve without calling allot of attention to the matter. Other common Restaurant Mediation's are Slip & Fall Workman's Comp Employee Disputes Vendor/Shipping Disputes Customer Complaints Resolve your claim, complaint, concern, or law suit in Meditation and get closure and results Now. For more information on Mediation Services such as Pre- Mediation, Business Services or Mediation contact us at 337-284-3117 Or visit us at to view our references and experience go to or
Choice Mediation Solutions "Where Your Voice Counts" 337-284-3117 225-308-4995